From 8th to 12th May 2012 teachers Nino Sertić and Goran Marijan, and students Andrej Cindrić and Bernard Jobst attended the seventh international project meeting in Bacau, Romania.
The host of the seventh meeting was Colegiul National „Gheorghe Vrânceanu”. Except for our school and the host school, partners from Finland, Italy, and Spain also took part in this meeting. After a brief Romanian language lesson and introduction to the school premises, presentations made by the participant countries followed. The topic of this meeting was job interview simulation and our students completed the task extremely well. The teachers from all participating countries held a presentation on managerial planning at their school. The period from 9th to 11th May was filled with a variety of activities (presentations, visiting the school and lessons, cultural party for the students, salt mine, Slanic Moldova spa resort). Both teachers and students had the chance to exchange their experience with their colleagues in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere, as well as to get to know the Romanian culture and school system better.
The meeting in Bacau was successful. The students performed their task extremely well and all the participants were satisfied with the journey and the experience gained in this educational project.