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Ekonomska škola Mije Mirkovića Rijeka

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Ispis statistike od 1. 9. 2014.

Ukupno: 1099322
Ovaj mjesec: 188
Ovaj tjedan: 130
Danas: 23
Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 1. 9. 2014.

Ukupno: 1099322
Comenius project
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
First mobility to Italy
Autor: Đurđica Kolar, 18. 11. 2010.


From 7th to 11th November 2010 our teachers Višnja Prostran i Đurđica Kolar attended the international project meeting in Novara, Italy,  together with our pupils Andrea Lukić and Matea Čelik (3.i).

The host of the meeting was Liceo Scientifico Statale Alessandro Antonelli.
Except for our school and the host school, schools from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Romania and Spain took part in this meeting. 
The meeting started on 8th November with the host's greeting and speech in English which is also the working language of the project.
After a brief introduction with the school facilities:



the country and school presentations made by pupils and teachers followed.

The period from 9th to 11th November was filled with many different activities (guided tour of Novara, the visit to the City Hall, a short lesson of Italian, attending the classes...). The main subject of the meeting was representing and comparing the rights and responsibilities of the employees in all the participant countries.


The meeting in Novara was very successful. The pupils performed their task very well and the teachers are satisfied with the journey and the experience gained in this educative project.


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