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Ekonomska škola Mije Mirkovića Rijeka

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Ispis statistike od 1. 9. 2014.

Ukupno: 1099322
Ovaj mjesec: 188
Ovaj tjedan: 130
Danas: 23
Brojač posjeta
Ispis statistike od 1. 9. 2014.

Ukupno: 1099322
Comenius project
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Comenius - a step into the future
Autor: Đurđica Kolar, 4. 11. 2010.

During the last month our Comenius team has successfuly finished our first task for the mobility which will take place in Novara, Italy, in Liceo scientifico statale Alessandro Antonelli, from 7-12th November. The results and impressions will be presented after.


 During the last month our Comenius team has successfuly finished our first task for the mobility which will take place in Novara, Italy, in Liceo scientifico statale Alessandro Antonelli, from 7-12th November. The results and impressions will be presented after.

We are proud to announce that our students Matea Čelik and Andrea Lukić, accompanied by teachers Đurđica Kolar and Višnja Prostran, are going to represent our school and country,along with our educational system to teachers and students from participating countries - our project partners.

The first task was also to prepare a brief report and presentation on employees rights and responsibilities in Croatia in order to compare them with the EU members. (presentations are in the attachment )

The basic idea for each mobility is to share information, gain useful experience and learn about each other.

 Therefore, we invite other students and teachers to join our team, expand their knowledge and be one step closer to future school development.

                                                                                                  COMENIUS TEAM


Priloženi dokumenti:
Hrvatska_prezentacija.pdf (5.54 MB)
Prava_zaposlenika.pdf (717.44 KB)

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